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Autumn School 2022
7 November, 2022,12:00-11 November, 2022,15:00

Alingsås on 7-11 November 2022
Swedish Electromobility Centre and the SEC Doctoral Student Network are happy to invite doctoral students and the SEC industrial partners to the Autumn School which focuses on components and system studies for electromobility, with an emphasis on electric battery and fuel cell vehicles.
The Ph.D. course is intended for Ph.D. students within the SEC doctoral student network, and the SEC industrial partners in the field of e-mobility. The Autumn School consists of lectures and practical exercises related to the five themes in SEC.
i) Intelligent Vehicle and Systems
ii) Electric Drives and Charging
iii) Energy storage
iv) Environment and Society
v) Vehicle–Grid Interaction
The lectures will be held by theme leaders and their colleagues, and there are several networking opportunities taking place during the course.
Autumn School Program
Practical information
Examination and Credits
The examination is based on attendance and homework. Passing the course requires solving the assignments and making a final project presentation. Proposed credits are 5 hp.
NB! To apply for these credits within your Ph.D. course curriculum you need approval from your examiner.
When and where?
The Autumn School will run between 12:00 on 7 November and 15:00 on 11 November 2022, and we are looking forward to meeting you at Grand Hotel Alingsås, Bankgatan 1, 441 30 Alingsås https://www.grandhotel-alingsas.se/
The autumn school cost is SEK 6,600 (VAT excl.) per person for PhD students from academia and SEC industry partners. Employees from the SEC industry partners may participate subject to availability and the cost is SEK 7,600 (VAT excl.) per person. The cost will cover:
- Accommodation in single rooms for four nights (Monday-Friday) at Grand Hotel Alingsås
- All meals included (breakfast, fika, lunch and dinner)
- Participation fee for the course
Registration and billing
Register below no later than 9 October. The course is open to members of the SEC Doctoral Student Network and SEC industrial partners, and, employees from the SEC Industrial partners. Registration is done on a first-come, first-served basis.
When registering for the course you need to fill out the billing address, reference, cost centre/department and VAT number. Be prepared to have the information available when you register.
SEC will send the invoice after the course week.
Cancellation policy
Cancellations made later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the course will be charged at 50% of the agreed price.
Cancellations made later than 1 week prior to the start of the course will be charged at 100% of the agreed price.
You need to arrange and pay for your own travel to and from the course location.
For SEC and administration-related questions, please send an e-mail to: phd@emobilitycentre.se
Course content-related questions are best answered by the different theme leaders: https://emobilitycentre.se/research/