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Cross-theme seminar on Resilience in an electrified and digitalized transport system
7 November, 2024,13:00-14:30

This seminar is included in the activities organized by the newly created SEC focus group on Resilience in an electrified and digitalized transport system. The aim of this group is to raise awareness and improve knowledge on the topic of resilience among SEC partners, and to identify key people within SEC working with resilience and preparedness and bring them together to establish a common dialogue.
In this particular seminar, Dr. David Daniels (VTI) will present the work published as a MIT Joint Program for Global Change Report “Designing Resilience for Multi-System Dynamics of Future Transportation” (available here: https://vti.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1886357/FULLTEXT01.pdf). After David’s presentation, there will be time for questions from the participants. The event is hosted by VTI and RISE.
When 7 November at 13:00-14:30
Where Online. Registered participants will get a Teams link by e-mail after the registration deadline.
Please click HERE to register for the seminar.
Deadline for registration is by 7 November at 10:00.