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Joint Workshop – SEC and LTH Profile Area Energy Transition
17 November, 2023,12:00-14:00

This joint workshop will consist of two main parts:
– A seminar with focus on transport electrification and charging infrastructure, included in the lunch seminar series arranged by LTH profile area Energy Transition.
– An introduction to Swedish Electromobility Centre for LTH researchers, followed by a discussion on future research opportunities within Electromobility.
12.00 – Light lunch and mingle
12.15 – Lunch seminar on Transport electrification and charging infrastructure by Dr. Jakob Rogstadius
13.00 – Introduction to the Swedish Electromobility Centre (by theme leaders Dr. Mikael Lanz and Dr. Fran Márquez)
13.10 – The latest government investment in electrification and battery research: implications for LTH (by Prof. Olof Samuelsson, coordinator of LTH profile area Energy Transition)
13.30 – Discussion: What will be the role of LTH in the Swedish Electromobility Centre? How can we benefit from our participation in the Centre?
14.00 – End of meeting
Lunds Tekniska Högskola
M-huset / Room: M:A
Ole Römers väg 1
223 63 Lund
Deadline for registration is on 12 November at 23:00.
Max 200 participants.