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Theme 2 – Seminars on Modelling and Diagnosis of Demagnetization Faults in Synchronous Machines, by Dr. Vasilios Ilioudis
11 May, 2022,00:00-12 May, 2022,00:00

Dr. Vasilios Ilioudis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (see biography below) is visiting KTH during week 19. He will host four lectures on modelling and diagnosis of demagnetization faults in permanent-magnet synchronous machines, on Wednesday and Thursday. The seminars can be followed remotely on Zoom (for link, please contact lucap@kth.se) or physically at KTH, with the following schedule:
Wednesday, May 11th, 10.00-12.00, KTH, room Ivar Herliz, Teknikringen 33 floor 3, 114 28 Stockholm
Wednesday, May 11th, 13.00-15.00, KTH, room Ivar Herliz, Teknikringen 33 floor 3, 114 28 Stockholm
Thursday, May 12th, 13.00-15.00, KTH, room Sten Velander, Teknikringen 33 floor 4, 114 28 Stockholm
Thursday, May 12th, 15.00-17.00, KTH, room Sten Velander, Teknikringen 33 floor 4, 114 28 Stockholm
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1
A.1) Introduction in the FOC theory (Reference frames abc, αβ, dq and γδ Transformation of PMSM variables, Decoupling the Flux and Torque Control, analogy between 3-phase AC and DC machine control).
A.2) PMSM mathematical model in dq (Synchronous rotating reference frame).
A.3) Equivalent circuits in dq.
A.4) Induced Back-EMF and Power conversion.
A.5) PMSM operating modes (Maximum Torque Per Ampere, Maximum Current, Limited Voltage Maximum Torque, Flux or Field Weakening).
A.6) PMSM model in γδ (Estimated rotating reference frame, Modified Back EMF, Modified Rotor Flux), The topics in A.1-A.5 will be in a synopsis form, since the students should be familiar with them.
Lecture 2
A.7) Design a PMSM simulation model.
A.8) Sensorless Control (State observers, Stability Analysis, Back-EMF Estimation, Rotor angle and speed estimation).
A.9) Evaluation and Results.
Lecture 3
B.1) Introduction in the PMSM faults.
B.2) Demagnetization fault of PMSM.
B.3) Modelling PMSM in dq (Healthy mode).
B.4) Modelling PMSM in dq and γδ (Faulty mode-a general case).
B.5) Stator flux under presence of rotor flux distortion in γδ, Lecture 4.
B.6) Observer design for stator flux, rotor speed and position, Stability Analysis.
B.7) Diagnosis of demagnetization fault, B.8) Estimation of rotor flux components.
B.9) Evaluation and Results.
You are welcome to join!
Biography Dr. Vasilios C. Ilioudis was born in Anavra Karditsas, Karditsa, Greece, on December 17, 1957. He received the Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessaloniki, Greece in 1983. Also, he received the MSc degree in Electronic Control Engineering from University of Salford, Salford, U.K. in 1987. He obtained the Doctoral degree in Engineering from the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2013 (Doctoral Thesis title: Sensorless Control of Synchronous Motor / Supervisor: Prof. Nikolaos I. Margaris).
From 1987 to 2000 he worked, as microcomputer engineer mainly on micromputer-based hardware and their data communications systems. Since 2000, he worked as a computer network engineer for Alexander Technical Educational Institution of Thessaloniki (TEITHE), Greece. In the period 2007-2019, he has been a Lecturer and Assistant Professor in the Department of Automation Engineering at Alexander Technological Institution of Thessaloniki, teaching courses in computer networks, microcomputers, microprocessors, microcontrollers, robot kinematics, electronics, motion control, power electronics and electrical measurements. Since Spring 2019 to Autumn 2021, he has been an Assistant Professor and since Autumn 2021 to present he has been an Associate Professor with the Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering at International Hellenic University (IHU), Thessaloniki, Greece teaching courses in computer networks, power electronics, control and fault detection of electrical machines.
Research interests: Sensorless Control of Synchronous and Induction Machines, Robust Control, Estimation Techniques, Sliding Mode Observers (SMO), Adaptive Observers of Nonlinear Systems, Variable Structure Systems (VSS), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), MTPA and Flux Weakening Control (FWC) of Synchronous machines, Anti-Windup Control (AWC), Overmodulation of Space Vector PWM inverters, Fault Detection (Diagnosis) and Prognosis of Electrical Machines, Regenerative Braking Systems and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)