Theme 5 seminar: Logging of electric vehicles – characterization of driving and charging patterns

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Theme 5 seminar: Logging of electric vehicles – characterization of driving and charging patterns

9 January,09:00-10:30


Welcome to this seminar, where some first outcome of the project “Logging of electric vehicles – characterization of charging patterns and grid impacts” will be presented and discussed. The aim of the project is to increase the understanding of charging and driving patterns from electric cars and then use the new knowledge to, among other things, investigate opportunities and challenges with EV charging and the impact on the electricity grid from charging of EVs. In the project, charging and driving data has been collected during 2023 from about 220 randomly chosen EV owners in Sweden using an GPS equipment. Several parameters have been logged such as:


(i) The state of charge of the battery

(ii) GPS measurement of where the car is located, how long the car is parked, etc., and

(iii) information about charging powers and energy consumption.


The logged data has been complemented with a questionary that give more information about charging conditions and strategies, information about each vehicle and vehicle owners attitude towards V2G. In this seminar, we will try to answer the question of What is the potential for smart charging including V2G from analysing driving and charging patterns and survey results?”.


By whom?

Yuki Kobayashi received a B.A. and M.S. degrees in urban management engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, in 2018. He worked for the EV System Laboratory, Nissan Research Center from 2018 to 2023. He has been researching the impact of electric vehicles on the electricity grid in Sweden as a PhD candidate at Department of Space, Earth and Environment in Chalmers University of Technology since 2023. His main interests include analysis of EV-user behavior and energy management for vehicle grid integration.


When and where

Date            9 January 2024

Time           09:00-10:30

Where         online

The link will be sent by e-mail to those who register, maximum 500 participants.

Deadline for registration is 8 January 2024 at 13:00.

For questions, please contact Maria Taljegård.


Register for the seminar HERE.


9 January
Event Categories:




Theme 5