Workshop Theme 2 Electric Drives & Charging – Inverter testing and development

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Cross-theme workshop: Charging infrastructure – challenges and opportunities

Lunds Universitet

Charging infrastructure is undoubtably a key enabler of electrification. Linking two critical infrastructure systems together, the electric power system and the transport system, charging infrastructure affects almost every aspect of electromobility at both system and vehicle levels: resilience and reliability, operational efficiency (logistics), energy efficiency, vehicle configuration, cost (both CAPEX and OPEX), etc. Moreover, charging […]

Workshop Theme 2 Electric Drives & Charging – Inverter testing and development

Scania Tekniskt Centrum Granparksvägen 10, Södertälje

Welcome to a workshop to discuss how inverter and electric drive verification will be done in the future. The workshop will cover development processes and skills that will be needed in the future. An important part is the equipment that will be needed for practical evaluation. During the workshop both industry and academia have the […]