Doctoral Network

Are you a PhD student in the field of emobility? The Swedish Electromobility Centre’s Doctoral Network is open for all PhD students in Sweden who study aspects of electrification and hybridization of vehicles. The network is an arena for collaboration for PhD students and stimulates their interaction with the Swedish automotive industry. All PhD students in Sweden working with different approaches, methods and focus in the area of electromobility are welcome. 

The Doctoral Network gives you:

  • Access to Swedish Electromobility Centre’s activities and network.
  • Contact with PhD students from different fields.
  • Knowledge building through PhD courses, seminars and workshops.
  • Equipment for future work and research challenges.

Apply for Membership – SEC Doctoral Student Network (link to form)


SEC Doctoral Network Webinar: Per Gyllenspetz “Why making much lighter cars is a good idea”

Due to high interest in the previous webinar and a technical issue streaming our webinar for all participants, on 5th of March, the SEC Doctoral Network welcomes again Per Gyllenspetz […]

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