Swedish Electromobility Centre (SEC) is a node for research and development of electric transport and charging infrastructure, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency in partnership with Swedish industry, academia and institutes.
Scope of the call
In this call the SEC will prioritize system-level research studies, cross-theme projects and projects in research areas that need to be strengthened within the Centre. The time frame for applied projects is 1 July 2025 – 31 December 2026. Projects SEC will finance in this call are:
- Pre-studies with up to 200,000 SEK per project
- Research projects <2 years, max 1 MSEK/year, latest project end date 31 December 2026
Note: Each project application must be feasible without dependence on any other application.
The projects should be within the scope of one or more of the centres theme areas and contribute to the Centre as a whole. All applicants applying for research projects are required to present their project idea in a theme area meeting before submitting the proposal. Applicants for pre-studies are recommended to discuss their project proposal with the relevant theme area leader before submission. Possible dates for each theme area are stated below. Contact theme leader to provide meeting link. Contact information to the theme leaders is accessible at the SEC homepage. https://emobilitycentre.se/contact/
Pitch dates
Theme 1 Intelligent Vehicles and Systems:
28 Jan at 10.00
4 March at 10.00
27 March at 10.00
Theme 2 Electric Drives and Charging:
17 Feb at 13.00–14.00
18 March at 10.30–12.00
Theme 3 Energy Storage:
11 Feb at 13.00–14.00
4 March at 13.00–14.00
Theme 4 Environment and Society:
21 Feb at 10:00–11:00
21 March at 10:00–11:00
Theme 5 Vehicle-Grid Interaction:
3 Feb at 13:00–14:00
3 March at 13:00–14:00
Who can apply?
Project participants are SEC full partners and program partners and must include at least one industrial partner and one academic partner. SEC network partners can participate in a reference group. Any project participant can apply for the funding, but the funding will be allocated to the academic partner(s) to finance the academic researchers. The projects must be co-financed with at least the same amount of in-kind from the partners as the amount of funding applied for from the SEC. Please contact industrial partners early in the application process, since the industry needs time to anchor internally.
Q&A SEC Call for Projects
Take the opportunity to participate in a question-and-answer session regarding the SEC call for projects. The meeting will include a short introduction followed by the chance to ask questions about call formalities.
When: 7 March at 10.00 – 11.00 (online, Teams)
Last day for registration 5 March at 18.00 (Teams link will be send via email by 6 March)
Evaluation process
The project applications will be reviewed by the full partners and the program partners of the Centre. Recommendation for funding will be decided by the program council with representatives from our full partners Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, Uppsala University, AB Volvo, CEVT, Scania CV AB, Volvo Car Corporation, RISE and VTI, and two representatives from other industrial partners. The formal decision is taken by the host of the Centre.
For further information concerning the evaluation process and criteria, read carefully the document “Project application evaluation”.
Note: The applicant (or another relevant partner from the project consortia) must be available on 5 May when the evaluation groups may contact the applicants and invite them for a Q&A session if needed.
Granted projects
When the project is approved, a “Project manager agreement” must be signed by the project manager. Please note that regular knowledge exchange is an essential part of the Centre and its projects. If your project is granted, you are expected to take part in theme activities and contribute to SEC workshops and seminars.
Application template and deadline
The projects should be applied for by using the Centre’s application template “Project application” and “CV template” (for all key participants) linked below. Please note that SEC will neither consider applications using any other application template (or older versions of this template), nor applications which do not meet formal criteria.
You have the possibility to include one appendix (max 3 pages) with images and tables, supporting the project description. Send to application@emobilitycentre.se and mark the mail with “Project application”.
The Centre needs your application by 7 April 2025 at 14.00 at the latest.
Good luck and welcome with your application!
Important information documents. Read carefully before submitting the project application.
Project Application Evaluation V.4.pdf
Project Management Agreement V.4.pdf
Documents for the thematic roadmaps
Theme 1 roadmap: Intelligent Vehicles and Systems.pdf
Theme 2 roadmap: Electric Drives and Charging.pdf
Theme 3 roadmap: Energy Storage.pdf
Theme 4 roadmap: Environment and Society.pdf
Theme 5 roadmap: Vehicle–Grid Interaction.pdf